Passive Buildings: A Key to Reducing Our Carbon Footprint? ~ December 11, 2017
Residential, commercial, and industrial buildings are the third largest source of carbon emissions in Ontario accounting for about 37% of energy
use and 20% of C02 emissions. Emissions have been going up within the sector at a time when we need to be making serious reductions.
Passive building methods are one way to achieve dramatic improvements in heating and cooling efficiency and are beginning to attract more attention. Passive building construction is happening in Haliburton County but is dwarfed by more standard and less energy efficient construction techniques.
To shed more light on the benefits as well as the costs of passive building, we’re joined on the next episode of Planet Halibuton by Jim Joseph and Graham Borgdorff, respectively the owner and the builder of a new passive home on Lake Kashagawigamog.
If you’re interested in learning what passive buildings are all about, how much they cost and how they work to reduce both energy costs and carbon footprints, you won’t want to miss this conversation.
- Link to December 11, 2017 show
- Background Resources For Passive Building Interview With Jim Joseph And Graham Borgdorff Planet Haliburton December 11, 2017
Capitalism, Economic Growth and the Environment ~November 27, 2017
Is there an economic model that can provide good living standards for everyone without destroying the planet? Join us for a discussion of these and related questions with Richard Swift, author of the 2014 book “SOS: Alternatives to Capitalism”.
What’s Up With the Bats?
We’ll also have an update on the Haliburton Highlands Land Trust’s Bat Project with Paul Heaven and Sheila Ziman. How many of Ontario’s 8 bat species are still present in the County despite the ravages of White Nose Syndrome? Are all four of the bat species at risk here and, if so, in what numbers? Bats eat large quantities of mosquitos so you’ll want to hear about how one of our best warm season friends are doing in our neck of the woods.
- Link to Planet Haliburton November 27, 2017
- Background resources “Capitalism, Economic Growth and the Environment” for Planet Haliburton November 27, 2017
- Background resources “What’s Up With The Bats ” for Planet Haliburton November 27, 2017
Is Capitalism Killing Our Climate?~November 13, 2017
Never-ending economic growth on a finite planet is unsustainable and sooner or later will put humankind on a collision course with environmental realities. However, despite clear evidence that we are undermining crucial ecological systems that support all life on earth, virtually all our economic and political leaders keep promoting policies and practices that demand more and more from a biosphere already in crisis.
Why are we/they so hooked on growth? Is it because our economic system, capitalism, has never-ending growth hard-wired into its DNA?
Join Planet Haliburton co-hosts Greg Roe and Terry Moore on August 14th at 7pm - 8pm for a conversation with Ian Angus, editor of the Climate and Capitalism website, about the relationship between capitalism, incessant growth and the climate crisis.
- Link to Planet Haliburton November 13, 2017
- Background Resources Planet Haliburton November 13, 2017
Sustainable Communities: What do they look like? How Do We Build Them?~October 30, 2017
With multiple environmental crises, from extreme weather to biodiversity loss, coming home to roost, interest in building ecologically sustainable communities is on the rise. But what do truly sustainable communities look like and how we can go about building them, especially in rural Ontario?
To answer these and related questions we’re joined on the next episode of Planet Haliburton by Sustainability Consultant Karen Farbridge, former community activist, long-time municipal councillor and three-time mayor of the City of Guelph.
- Link to Planet Haliburton October 30th 2017
- Background Resources for Planet Haliburton October 30, 2017
What can we do as individuals to help our environment and fight climate change? How can social media be used to bring about positive change?~October 9, 2017
Sometimes the whole idea of enacting positive environmental change on an individual level can seem overwhelming. Please join us as we talk with Jessica Correa, founder and owner of Random Acts of Green - RAOG . Jessica will tell us how to work toward positive change as individuals and how to use social media as a tool to make this happen. You won't want to miss this positive, energetic conversation. This is your chance to, 'Go RAOG'.....
We will also have our regular monthly feature "Ask Adria" with Adria Vasil, AKA 'The Ecoholic'.
Link to Planet Haliburton October 9, 2017
Oceans Are Ringing the Alarm Bells - But Are We Listening?~September 25, 2017
As land-based animals, we often don't appreciate just how important healthy oceans are to all life on the planet. Yet, one third of the oxygen we breath comes from zooplankton, whose coral nurseries are dying from warming and acidifying seas - caused by human greenhouse gas emissions.
For a look at the state of the world's oceans and why we need to press for serious remedial action, join Planet Haliburton co-hosts Terry Moore and Greg Roe for a conversation with Alanna Mitchell, acclaimed Canadian science writer and author of the award winning book "Sea Sick: The Global Ocean in Crisis".
- Link to Planet Haliburton September 25, 2017
- Background Resource List for Planet Haliburton September 25, 2017
Mainstreaming Septic System Health and Stewardship~September 11, 2017
Lake Associations across Haliburton County have been focused on water quality, healthy shorelines and healthy septic systems for years. Some lake associations have consistently taken a leadership role and built proactive programs in an attempt to head off problems before they get out of hand.
The Kennisis Lake Cottage Owners' Association (KLCOA), in particular, has played a leading role developing its own advanced water quality and healthy shoreline assessment programs. More recently, the association has added a voluntary septic system inspection program, well in advance of the mandatory program being implemented by Dysart Township in 2018.
Join us for a conversation with Kennisis Lake Association reps, John Smith and Jim Prince, about what they have been up to on the healthy septic system front.
- Link to Planet Haliburton September 11, 2017
- Background Resource List for Planet Haliburton September 11,2017
All the Poop on Septic Re-inspection Programs~August 28, 2017
Thousands of seasonal and permanent residents of Haliburton County rely on private septic systems to handle their "human waste" or "humanure". But malfunctioning or poorly maintained systems can have serious negative impacts on both the ground and surface water quality for which Haliburton is famous.
While septic system re-inspection programs are finally getting off the ground in each of the four Townships, they vary tremendously and will have very different on-the-ground impacts. Informed public discussion about the specifics of the various programs and their potential to help limit our personal and collective impact on surface and ground water quality is now more important than ever.
To shed some light on the good, the bad, and the just plain ugly septic system realities in Haliburton County, Rob Davis and Mike Rahme, two of the most knowledgeable, respected and experienced septic system inspectors in the County, join Planet Haliburton for a wide ranging discussion about the potential for septic re-inspection programs to help us clean up our act.
- Link to Planet Haliburton August 28, 2017
- Background Resources For Planet Haliburton August 28, 2017
Is Capitalism Killing Our Climate?~August 14, 2017
Never-ending economic growth on a finite planet is unsustainable and sooner or later will put humankind on a collision course with environmental realities. However, despite clear evidence that we are undermining crucial ecological systems that support all life on earth, virtually all our economic and political leaders keep promoting policies and practices that demand more and more from a biosphere already in crisis.
Why are we/they so hooked on growth? Is it because our economic system, capitalism, has never-ending growth hard-wired into its DNA?
Join Planet Haliburton co-hosts Greg Roe and Terry Moore on August 14th at 7pm - 8pm for a conversation with Ian Angus, editor of the Climate and Capitalism website, about the relationship between capitalism, incessant growth and the climate crisis.
- Link to Planet Haliburton August 14, 2017
- Background Resource Planet Haliburton August 14, 2017
Peter Sale on What the Heck is "The Anthropocene" and Why Should We Care? ~July 31, 2017
There's a growing scientific consensus that earth has exited from the "Holocene" geological epoch ushered in by the end of the last ice age 11,700 years ago and entered into a brave new world called "The Anthropocene" - or "time of humans".
Human civilization, from our agricultural systems to our economic, political and cultural institutions, were all created during the relatively stable Holocene but our species is now become so dominant that we're altering, and important ways, undermining the biogeophysical systems that support all life on the planet.
Join Planet Haliburton co-hosts, Greg Roe and Terry Moore on July 31st from 7- 8pm for an exploration of both the character and consequences of the Anthropocene with marine biologist, ecological author, and former Chair of the Muskoka Watershed Council, Peter Sale.
Our "Ask Adria" (AKA "The Ecoholic") segment also returns on July 31st for a discussion of the ecological hazards associated with the use of pressured treated wood, whatever the colour.
- Link to Planet Haliburton July 31, 2017
- Background Resources for Planet Haliburton July 31, 2017
Maude Barlow on NAFTA Renegotiation and The Environment~July 10, 2017
Donald Trump as a candidate for President of the United States took aim at international trade deals like the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) as being bad deals for America that facilitated the contracting out of millions of American manufacturing jobs.
Now as President, Trump has given the notice required to reopen the agreement and the clock is counting down on formal renegotiation discussions.
The Council of Canadians has consistently argued that NAFTA and other so-called free trade agreements are more about the expansion of corporate rights at the expense of worker rights and protecting the environment. Maude Barlow, as chair of the Council of Canadians, has been calling on the Trudeau government to go after some major changes to the agreement and not to just play defence.
- Link to Planet Haliburton July 10, 2017
- Background Resources for Planet Haliburton July 10, 2017
Is a “Waste Free Ontario” Possible?~June 26, 2017
Canadians are the largest per capita producers of garbage in the industrialized world and recycling rates in Ontario haven’t increased beyond 25 percent diversion levels for over 10 years. As a visit to any landfill or transfer station will confirm, we’re being buried in our own waste.
In 2016, the Ontario government announced "A Strategy for a Waste-Free Ontario" and passed a new law - called The Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act - that’s supposed to change all of that.
By creating a system under which producers and retailers are responsible for the products they sell from “cradle to cradle”, the Wynne government hopes to wring waste out of the system and double-down on the “4 R’s”: reduce, redesign, reuse and recycle.
Join us at 7pm - 8pm on Monday June 26, 2017 for a conversation about this new effort to come to terms with the mountains of garbage our growth-addicted economy generates, with Ryan Sisson, the former Environment Co-Co-ordinator for Algonquin Highlands.
- Link to Planet Haliburton June 26, 2017
- Background Resources for Planet Haliburton June 26,2017
Climate Change "Emergency"~June 12, 2017
“If the government doesn’t treat climate change as an emergency, then many people feel that they don’t need to either." Ontario's Environmental Commissioner, Dianne Saxe
Dianne Saxe, had a distinguished, award-winning 40-year career practising public, private and non-profit environmental law before becoming Ontario's third Environmental Commissioner since the office was created in 1993. Commissioner Saxe will be visiting Haliburton County at the invitation of Environment Haliburton! (EH!) on July 6th to give a public presentation on "Facing The Climate Crisis" at the Minden Community Centre, beginning at 7pm.
To sample "Saxe on Climate" check out Planet Haliburton on June 12th, 7pm - 8pm.
Also on June 12th, we feature our regular monthly conversation with Adria Vasil, AKA "The Ecoholic", Now Magazine environmental columnist and author of the best-selling Ecoholic book series. Just in time for BBQ season, Adria answers listeners' questions about eco-friendly outdoor dish ware and how to avoid coming down with the "Teflon Flu" and other negative consequences of exposure to non-stick cookware chemicals.
Hope you can join us on June 12th, 7pm - 8pm.
- Link to Planet Haliburton June 12,2017
- Background Resources for Planet Haliburton June 12, 2017
Get All the Poop on Poop and Endangered Bats in One Convenient and Fully-Compostable Package~May 29th, 2017
Join co-hosts Greg Roe and Terry Moore for a discussion on how the increasing awareness of the relationship between septic systems and algae-causing phosphorus pollution of Haliburton Lakes has got Township Councils across Haliburton County moving toward some form of mandatory septic system inspection.
At the same time, concerns about potential surface and ground water contamination is generating increased resistance to the spreading of septic tank pumpout waste (or septage) on open fields.
To help throw some light on how we deal with human waste, as well as potential alternatives, our May 29th episode features a discussion with the star of the famous "Poop Talk" video and septic system expert, Rob Davis.
On the same show, we're also joined by Haliburton Highlands Land Trust rep Sheila Ziman and Wildlife biologist, Paul Heaven, to talk about the Land Trust's new Bat Project and how you can get involved in helping to identify the numbers of this endangered species still surviving in the Highlands, despite disease and habitat destruction.
Click on the links below to listen to the program or for background resources:
- Link to Planet Haliburton May 29, 2017
- Resource Listing for May 29, 2017 Planet Haliburton
"Poop Talk" Resources
- Rob Davis Biographical Information:
Rob Davis, is an expert in septic system design, and a specialist in the efficient & environmentally responsible operation of septic systems, how they work, and what causes them to fail. Rob is a co-owner of EcoEthic Canada, a company that develops and sources technologies to lessen the environmental impact of both commercial and residential sewage treatment systems. For the past 20 years Rob has worked with industry professionals, government agencies and cottagers to solve wastewater challenges on site.
Rob is also the star of a DVD called "Poop Talk", produced for the Coalition of Haliburton Property Owners' Associations (CHA), for their Lake Protector Series. He is a cottager, former lake steward on Lake Kashagawigamog, and shoreline advisor right here in the Highlands. - Link to "Poop Talk" Video: It's All About the Water":
- Rob Davis PowerPoint Presentation entitled: "Septics, Septage, Waterless Toilets and Climate Change", Environmental Haliburton! (EH!) Enviro-Cafe, Tuesday May 9, 2017:
- Rob Davis EnviroCafe May 9 2017
- EcoEthic Website:
- Coalition of Haliburton Property Owners' Associations (CHA) septic system health link:
Land Trust Bat Project Resources
- Link to Bat Project on Haliburton Highlands Land Trust (HHLT) website:
- Volunteering for the HHLT Bat Project: If you are interested in getting involved with this project contact Paul Heaven's office at 705-286-3181 and/or email him at Please leave your number and Paul will call you back to make the necessary arrangements
- Ontario Government Bat White Nose Syndrome Response Plan: Link to document
Hydro Rates, Nuclear Power and Climate Change~May 8, 2017
Join co-hosts Greg Roe and Terry Moore for conversation with Brad Cundiff of the Ontario Clean Air Alliance about the key drivers behind the huge increases in electrical costs across Ontario. Contrary to mainstream commentary, which often erronously points the finger at renewable energy contracts, past nuclear debt and the future retrofitting of aging nuclear reactors are the key reasons costs keep rising. Shutting down nuclear reactors would not only be great for the environment, says Cundiff, it's the most sensible economic choice given the huge amount of very cheap surplus hydro-electric power available from Quebec.
"Bug Sprays: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly"
With black fly and mosquito season just around the corner, Now Magazine columnist, Adria Visil, AKA "The Ecoholic", also joins in to discuss the problems with DEET-based Bug Sprays and some non-toxic alternatives.
Click on the links below to listen to the program or for background resources:
- Link to Planet Haliburton May 8, 2017
- Background Resources for Planet Haliburton May 8, 2017
Your Diet, the Industrial Meat Industry and the Climate Crisis~April 24, 2017
Ever wonder about the ecological impact of industrial agriculture? How about the energy and other inputs going into the industrial livestock industry as well as the massive and growing levels of organic waste and greenhouse gas emissions generated in the process?
Join co-hosts Terry Moore and Greg Roe for a conversation with Professor Tony Weis, industrial agricultural critic and author of two books on Big Ag: "The Global Food Economy: The Battle for The Future of Farming" in 2007 followed in 2013 with "The Ecological Hoofprint: The Global Burden of Industrial Livestock.
If you're concerned about the relationship between your diet and the health of our planet you won't want to miss this show.
Click on the links below to listen to the program or for background resources:
- Link to Planet Haliburton April 24, 2017
- Background Resources for Planet Haliburton Part 1 April 24, 2017
- Background Resources for Planet Haliburton Part 2 April 24, 2017
The Healthy Shorelines Campaign~ April 10th, 2017
Join hosts Terry Moore and Greg Roe for a conversation with Paul MacInnes, chair of the Coalition of Haliburton Property Owners Associations (CHA) about the CHA's 4-year "Love Your Lake" Healthy Shorelines Project. With 47 lakes and over 800km of shoreline assessed to date, the interim results show that natural shorelines have been taking a beating all across the County. The good news is that denaturalized shorelines can be restored to play their role in protecting the lake waters.
We will also be joined by Paul Heaven, an ecological wildlife biologist and co-owner of Glenside Ecological Services in Haliburton, for a talk about the shoreline restoration project he designed for Sam Slick Park in Haliburton Village.
Click on the links below to listen to the program or for background resources:
- Link to Planet Haliburton April 10, 2017
- Further resources regarding CHA "Love Your Lake Inventory Project": Paul MacInnes Healthy Shorelines PPP EH Nov 8th
- CHA Healthy Shoreline Resource links:
- Paul Heaven/CHA/Sam Slick Park Shoreline Restoration Plan 2015
Pipelines, Tar Sands and Saving Our Climate~ March 27, 2017
Join hosts Terry Moore and Greg Roe for a conversation with University of Alberta Political Economy Professor, Gord Laxer, about his 2015 best-selling book "After the Sands: Energy and Ecological Security for Canadians.
Adria Vasil, best selling author of the Ecoholic book series, is an environmental writer with Now Magazine. She will be joining us on each show for a short segment on things like the chemicals to avoid in personal care/home cleaning products as well as larger environmental issues.
Click on the links below to listen to the program or for background resources:
- Link to Planet Haliburton March 27, 2017
- Background Resources For Planet Haliburton March 27, 2017
Climate Change, Extreme Weather and the TSW~ February 27, 2017
Join hosts Terry Moore and Greg Roe for a conversation with Ted Spence. Ted is a retired professor and former dean of the Faculty of Environmental Studies at York University, an expert on environmental planning and hydrology, and cottages on Catchacoma Lake, the largest reservoir in the TSW.
Adria Vasil, best selling author of the Ecoholic book series, is an environmental writer with Now Magazine. She will be joining us on each show for a short segment on things like the chemicals to avoid in personal care/home cleaning products as well as larger environmental issues
Click on the links below to listen to the program or for background resources:
- Link to Planet Haliburton Part 1 February 27,2017
- Link to Planet Haliburton Part 2 February 27,2017
- Link to Planet Haliburton Part 3 February 27,2017
- Background Resources For Planet Haliburton February 27, 2017
Map of the Trent Severn Waterway (TSW) coloured-coded by watershed:

Climate Change: Plan Now or Suffer Later~January 30, 2017
Join hosts Terry Moore and Greg Roe for a conversation with Peter Sale, marine ecologist, coral expert and author of “Planning for Climate Change In Muskoka."
Click on the links below to listen to the program or for background resources:
- Link to Planet Haliburton Part 1 January 30, 2017
- Link to Planet Haliburton Part 2 January 30, 2017
- Link to Planet Haliburton Part 3 January 30, 2017
- Background Resources For Planet Haliburton January 30, 2017