Ctrl-ART-Del Theatre Company Runs Fall Acting Course for both Teens and Adults
The course is running for three weekends in Haliburton, ending with a public performance of scenes and the company’s 2024 season announcement.
SEPTEMBER 15, 2023 - Ctrl-ART-Del is offering a three-weekend-long Scene Study course this fall, and is including teens as well as adult performers.
“When we started Ctrl-ART-Del, our original intention was to program for young and working age adults who had aged out of school programs,” said Amy Leis, Ctrl-ART-Del’s production manager. “Last year I volunteered to help with the Drama Club at Haliburton Highlands Secondary School. I met many, very talented kids that are hungry for more theatre than they can get at school alone. They kept asking me if they could get involved with Ctrl-ART-Del. Who am I to say no to that?
The whole point was always to get young people into the theatre. So, to better serve our community, we’ve decided to expand our focus. We are welcoming both teens and adults into our programs this year. We’re really excited about it.”
To help prepare teens to perform in mainstage productions with the company, artistic director Tim Nicholson wanted to start out with some solid basic training. That’s why Ctrl-ART-Del is running a three-weekend long scene study course this fall.
“What a lot of people don’t realize is that acting is a skilled trade,” said Nicholson. “Raw talent exists, but there are also technical skills that can and should be taught. Once you have those technical skills in your mental toolbox, you can apply them to any role you take on.”
The upcoming Scene Study will break down these techniques, all through hands-on work. Students will get a taste of working as an ensemble, be cast in a scene from a contemporary play, get individual rehearsal time with a professional director and finish off by performing their scene for an audience at the end of the course.
“The course is ideal both for people who have never been onstage before but want to learn some of these technical skills, and for people who have been onstage in school or community theatre and want an idea of the skills needed to thrive in a post secondary theatre program or a professional rehearsal room,” said Nicholson. “It’s open to anyone age 14 and up.”
The course runs for two weekends at the Minden Lions Hall: September 23 & 24 and September 30 & October 1, from 10 AM – 4 PM. October 14 is a rehearsal day at the Lions Hall, with individual scenes called for an hour each between 9 AM and 6 PM. October 15 will be a full cast rehearsal day at the Haliburton Legion from 10 AM – 4 PM. A public performance of scenes will take place at 4 PM at the Haliburton Legion. All are welcome to attend the presentation.
Following the October 15th performance, Ctrl-ART-Del will announce their 2024 Season of plays.
“No spoilers – you’ll have to come to the Scene Study Performance to be the first to hear what we’re up to this year,” Leis said. “I will say in advance that all the pieces we’re doing have roles for both teens and adults. We’re also doing open auditions. Our big focus this season is on getting fresh blood onto the stage. If you’ve always wanted to be onstage in Haliburton, we want to meet you. The more new people, the better.”
You can learn more and register for Scene Study at https://www.ctrlartdel.ca/workshops.
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About Ctrl-ART-Del: Ctrl-ART-Del is an arts collective in Haliburton, Ontario. We produce contemporary theatre, featuring teens and young adults as cast, crew, and audience. We nurture the talents of our community by prioritizing the hiring of local performers and technicians, and by offering theatre workshops for community members wishing to continue their arts education.
Contact: Tim Nicholson, Executive Director, Ctrl-ART-Del, 705-457-0519, info@ctrlartdel.ca