July 2023
Kawartha Lakes and Haliburton County are on the territory of the Michi Saagiig
Anishnaabe who have cared for these lands since time immemorial and are covered by
Treaty 20 and the Williams Treaty.
Contact: Marina Hodson mhodson@knfht.ca
Kawartha Lakes and Haliburton County Food Sharing Program.
The City of Kawartha Lakes and Haliburton County Roundtable for Ending Poverty
along with Hiawatha First Nation are proud to present an exciting new community
Here in the City of Kawartha Lakes and Haliburton County we have thousands of edible
fruit trees whose fruit is currently going to waste and we want to change this.
Additionally there are vegetable gardeners who find that they have extra food at the end
of the season which is not being utilised.
A population-based survey from the Haliburton, Kawartha Pine Ridge District Health
Unit Estimated that household food insecurity in the City of Kawartha Lakes and
Haliburton in 2019 was 14.4%. The provincial food insecurity average sits at 13.3%. The
level of food insecurity in this region is one of the highest in the province.
Do you live in the City of Kawartha lakes and Haliburton County and have fruit
trees on your property? Are you a gardener that has extra produce at harvest
time? Would you like to volunteer to pick fruit or produce to use and share with
local food banks?
Our new community program offers you an opportunity to register your produce or to
register as a volunteer. Simply go to our Website at www.cklpoverty.ca and visit our
Community Harvest Program page. Your information will only be available to local food
banks and partners who would contact you to arrange to come and harvest your
donations or to volunteer to collect the harvest. Produce will be split 3 ways: ⅓ is
provided to the landowner, ⅓ is goes to the volunteers, and ⅓ will be delivered to a local
food bank or food program. This food program will share your produce with seniors,
adults and children in your community that are in need of healthy food.
CKL & Haliburton County Roundtable for ending poverty
“We are so thrilled to finally be able to bring this project together with the help and
support of our numerous partners. It has invaluable potential to bring access to free
produce across our communities” said Marina Hodson, co-chair of the CKL and
Haliburton County Roundtable for ending poverty.
The primary mission for the Roundtable is to create effective change towards ending
poverty. To develop , implement and /or advocate for initiatives , programs and services
that eliminate poverty within the community for all those who reside here. The
organizations that support and advocate with the Roundtable work together to effect this
positive change. Together we can.