For Immediate Release
Tuesday, July 11, 2023 4:01 p.m. Release #CFB-23-02
Subject: Total Fire Ban to be lifted in Haliburton County
With sufficient rainfall in recent days, the total fire ban that was enacted in Haliburton County on June 1 will be lifted as of 12:01 a.m. on Wednesday, July 12. This is a joint decision of the County’s four chief fire officials.
The lifting of the ban means that seasonal burning regulations remain in effect, with no outdoor burning between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., and that burning permits are re-activated. Visit the website of your local municipality for more details on burning regulations.
For more information on the lifting of the fire ban, contact your local fire chief.
Contact Information:
Mike French Fire Chief Algonquin Highlands Fire Services 705-706-0010
Shain Duda Fire Chief Township of Minden Hills 705-286-1202, Ext. 560
Dan Chumbley Fire Chief Municipality of Dysart et al 705-457-2126
Chris Baughman Fire Chief Municipality of Highlands East 705-448-2981, Ext. 428