Six months worth of Canoe FM bingo proceeds have been shared by NFP's in Haliburton County:
Not for Profit Organizations for June 2023
- CHA for flyers for educating community members about septic health, taking care of shorelines, improving fishing and reducing the spread of invasive species.
- U-Links – archiving newspapers
- U-Links – for educational resources to provide training for data collection and analysis of environmental research.
- Highlands Summer Festival
- Skyline Dance Studio
- Abbey Retreat Centre
- Haliburton County Folk Society
- Haliburton Sculpture Forest
- Haliburton Highlands Land Trust
- Friends of the Rail Trail
- Families in Motion
- Rails End Gallery
- Woodlands Wildlife Sanctuary
- Point in Time
- Places for People
- Volunteer Dental Outreach
- Friends of the Haliburton County Public Library
- Abbey Gardens
- Haliburton Red Wolves
- Arts Council Haliburton Highlands
- Bark Lake Cultural Development
- Walkabout Farms
Total: We split $24,612.49 between the above organizations.